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Knit & Crochet

Kötés, horgolás, minták...
Knit & Crochet

Piro honlapja


Szolda honlapja



Letöltés: Joomla

Joomla 4 rendszer

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.


Név: Joomla_4.3.2-Stable-Full_Package.zip  (3.5.1)
Méret:  30 006 KB /29,303 MB

Shadowbox (Joomla 3)

Shadowbox is an online media viewer application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customisable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.

Although Shadowbox can be used in standalone mode, it's just as easy to use Shadowbox with your JavaScript library of choice for a given project.


Név: plg_shadowbox_41.zip  (4.1)
Méret:  748 KB /0,730 MB

Nivoslider (Joomla 3)

Mindössze csak a képek útvonalát kell megadni és már indulhat is a diavetítő. A legújabb verzió további képi effektekkel, témákkal és véletlenszerű kezdődia lehetőségével bővült.


Név: mod_unite_nivoslider2.0.1.zip  (2.0.1)
Méret:  38 KB /0,037 MB


Név: com_unite_nivoslider2.0.1.zip  (2.0.1)
Méret:  39 KB /0,038 MB

Jumi (Joomla 3)

With Jumi
* you can include php, html, javascript scripts into the modules position, articles, category or section descriptions, or into your own custom made component pages,
* you can even include static html or txt pages into your pages without using wrapper component,
* you have full access to Joomla! variables, functions, constants, etc. in your php scripts.

Jumi is ideal solution for
* including banners or text ads into your Joomla! site: no matter if your own or affiliates ones,
* easy and fast inclusion of smart javascript, php, html and dhtml scripts into your Joomla! content,
* fast development of not only small and simple customized modules and plugin solutions based on php, javascript and html or dhtml scripts like flash shows, ads and picture presentations, forms inclusion, etc. But for the development of more sophisticated solutions including database data processing.


Név: jumi-3.0.5-2glux.com.zip  (3.0.5)
Méret:  100 KB /0,098 MB

CKEditor (Joomla 3)

CKEditor for Joomla is an Open Source component that enables CKEditor in your favorite CMS.

It is provided by CKSource, the company that created CKEditor and CKFinder. No registration is included to download and the component is free to use.

The following features are included in the component:
- built-in support for CKFinder, an advanced Ajax file browser,
- administration section with lots of configuration options to customize CKEditor to your needs,
- Link Browser - a dedicated plugin for Joomla!,
- multilingual interface, RTL support, Paste from Word, and all other cool features that are available in CKEditor.


Név: ckeditor_4.5.9_standard.zip  (4.5.9)
Méret:  1 211 KB /1,182 MB

JCEditor (Joomla 3)

Add a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that gives you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and without needing to know or learn HTML, XHTML, CSS...

  • Office-like functions and familiar buttons make formatting simple
  • Uploadrenamedeletecut/copy/paste images and insert them into your articles using an intuitive and familiar interface
  • Create Links to other SectionsCategoriesArticlesWeblinks and Contacts¹ in your site using a unique and practical Link Browser
  • Take control of your code with syntax highlighting in the Advanced Code editor and advanced style and element attribute editing
  • Integrated Spellchecking using Google™ Spellchecker (or PSpell and ASpell)


Név: com_jce_2518.zip  (2.5.18)
Méret:  1 812 KB /1,769 MB

 Facebook FanBox (Joomla 3)

Display your facebook friends and post stream on your website with this simple, easy to use facebook likebox module for joomla. The module allows you to customize the fanbox as you want.

Név: mod_je_facebookfanbox.zip  (3.4)
Méret:  20 KB /0,020 MB

Phoca Gallery

Phoca Gallery is an image gallery for Joomla! CMS. It includes component, modules and plugins and allows users to display images or Youtube videos in many different styles.


Név: com_phocagallery_v4.3.0.zip  (4.3)
Méret:  2 466 KB /2,408 MB


Név: hu-HU.com_phocagallery_formal.zip  (4.3)
Méret:  16 KB /0,016 MB




Joomla template: szsnjm-001 (c) Szoldatics József. 2011/2025